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Operations can be grouped under common route prefixes and share middleware, operation modifier functions, and response transformers. This is done using the huma.Group wrapper around a huma.API instance, which can then be passed to huma.Register and its convenience wrappers like huma.Get, huma.Post, etc.

grp := huma.NewGroup(api, "/v1")

huma.Get(grp, "/users", func(ctx context.Context, input *struct{}) (*UsersResponse, error) {
	// ...

The above example will register a GET /v1/users operation with the authMiddleware running before the operation handler.

Groups & Documentation

Groups assume that huma.Register or one of its convenience wrappers is used to register operations. If you are not, then you may need to invoke group.DocumentOperation(*huma.Operation) to ensure that the operation is documented correctly.

Group Features#

Groups support the following features:

  • One or more path prefixes for all operations in the group.
  • Middleware that runs before each operation in the group.
  • Operation modifiers that run at operation registration time.
  • Response transformers that run after each operation in the group.


Groups can have one or more path prefixes that are prepended to all operations in the group. This is useful for grouping related operations under a common prefix and is typically done with a single prefix.

grp := huma.NewGroup(api, "/prefix1", "/prefix2", "...")

This is just a convenience for the following equivalent code:

grp := huma.NewGroup(api)
grp.UseModifier(huma.PrefixModifier("/prefix1", "/prefix2", "..."))

The built-in huma.PrefixModifier will adjust the operation's ID and tags when more than one prefix is used. If you with to customize this behavior, you can write your own operation modifier.


Middleware functions are run before each operation handler in the group. They can be used for common tasks like authentication, logging, and error handling. Middleware functions are registered using the UseMiddleware method on a group.

grp.UseMiddleware(func(ctx huma.Context, next func(huma.Context)) {
	// Do something before the operation runs

Operation Modifiers#

Operation modifiers are functions that run at operation registration time. They can be used to modify the operation before it is registered. Operation modifiers are registered using the UseModifier method on a group.

grp.UseModifier(func(op *huma.Operation, next func(*huma.Operation)) {
	op.Summary = "A summary for all operations in this group"
	op.Tags = []string{"my-tag"}

There is also a simplified form you can use:

grp.UseSimpleModifier(func(op *huma.Operation) {
	op.Summary = "A summary for all operations in this group"
	op.Tags = []string{"my-tag"}

Response Transformers#

Response transformers are functions that run after each operation handler in the group. They can be used to modify the response before it is returned to the client. Response transformers are registered using the UseResponseTransformer method on a group.

grp.UseTransformer(func(ctx huma.Context, status string, v any) (any, error) {
	// Do something with the output
	return output, nil

Customizing Documentation#

Groups implement huma.OperationDocumenter which bypasses the normal flow of documentation generation and instead calls a function. This allows you to customize the documentation for all operations in the group. You can override the DocumentOperation method to customize the documentation if needed:

type MyGroup huma.Group

func (g *MyGroup) DocumentOperation(op *huma.Operation) {
	g.ModifyOperation(op, func(op *huma.Operation) {
		if documenter, ok := g.API.(huma.OperationDocumenter); ok {
			// Support nested operation documenters (i.e. groups of groups).
		} else {
			// Default behavior to add operations.
			if op.Hidden {

Dive Deeper#