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Writing Tests#

Huma provides a number of helpers for testing your API. The most important is the humatest package, which allows you to run a test server and make requests against it.

Testable Code#

First, modify the service code to make it easier to test, by moving the operation registration code out of the main function:

package main

import (


	_ ""

// Options for the CLI.
type Options struct {
	Port int `help:"Port to listen on" short:"p" default:"8888"`

// GreetingOutput represents the greeting operation response.
type GreetingOutput struct {
	Body struct {
		Message string `json:"message" example:"Hello, world!" doc:"Greeting message"`

// ReviewInput represents the review operation request.
type ReviewInput struct {
	Body struct {
		Author  string `json:"author" maxLength:"10" doc:"Author of the review"`
		Rating  int    `json:"rating" minimum:"1" maximum:"5" doc:"Rating from 1 to 5"`
		Message string `json:"message,omitempty" maxLength:"100" doc:"Review message"`

func addRoutes(api huma.API) {
	// Register GET /greeting/{name}
	huma.Register(api, huma.Operation{
		OperationID: "get-greeting",
		Method:      http.MethodGet,
		Path:        "/greeting/{name}",
		Summary:     "Get a greeting",
		Description: "Get a greeting for a person by name.",
		Tags:        []string{"Greetings"},
	}, func(ctx context.Context, input *struct{
		Name string `path:"name" maxLength:"30" example:"world" doc:"Name to greet"`
	}) (*GreetingOutput, error) {
		resp := &GreetingOutput{}
		resp.Body.Message = fmt.Sprintf("Hello, %s!", input.Name)
		return resp, nil

	// Register POST /reviews
	huma.Register(api, huma.Operation{
		OperationID:   "post-review",
		Method:        http.MethodPost,
		Path:          "/reviews",
		Summary:       "Post a review",
		Tags:          []string{"Reviews"},
		DefaultStatus: http.StatusCreated,
	}, func(ctx context.Context, i *ReviewInput) (*struct{}, error) {
		// TODO: save review in data store.
		return nil, nil

func main() {
	// Create a CLI app which takes a port option.
	cli := humacli.New(func(hooks humacli.Hooks, options *Options) {
		// Create a new router & API
		router := chi.NewMux()
		api := humachi.New(router, huma.DefaultConfig("My API", "1.0.0"))


		// Tell the CLI how to start your server.
		hooks.OnStart(func() {
			fmt.Printf("Starting server on port %d...\n", options.Port)
			http.ListenAndServe(fmt.Sprintf(":%d", options.Port), router)

	// Run the CLI. When passed no commands, it starts the server.

Writing Tests#

Use the humatest package to create a test API and then register your routes against it. Next, make get or post requests against it to test the various user scenarios you have to support:

package main

import (


func TestGetGreeting(t *testing.T) {
	_, api := humatest.New(t)


	resp := api.Get("/greeting/world")
	if !strings.Contains(resp.Body.String(), "Hello, world!") {
		t.Fatalf("Unexpected response: %s", resp.Body.String())

func TestPutReview(t *testing.T) {
	_, api := humatest.New(t)


	resp := api.Post("/reviews", map[string]any{
		"author": "daniel",
		"rating": 5,

	if resp.Code != 201 {
		t.Fatalf("Unexpected status code: %d", resp.Code)

func TestPutReviewError(t *testing.T) {
	_, api := humatest.New(t)


	resp := api.Post("/reviews", map[string]any{
		"rating": 10,

	if resp.Code != 422 {
		t.Fatalf("Unexpected status code: %d", resp.Code)

Now you can run your tests!

$ go test -cover

You may also need to send requests with a custom context.Context. For example, you may need to test an authenticated route, or test using some other request-specific values.

func TestGetGreeting(t *testing.T) {
	_, api := humatest.New(t)

	ctx := context.Background() // define your necessary context

	resp := api.GetCtx(ctx, "/greeting/world") // provide it using the 'Ctx' suffixed methods
	if !strings.Contains(resp.Body.String(), "Hello, world!") {
		t.Fatalf("Unexpected response: %s", resp.Body.String())


Congratulations! You just learned:

  • How to write tests for your API
  • How to use the humatest package to create a test API
  • How to use the humatest package to make requests against your API
  • How to run tests and get code coverage

Dive Deeper#

Want to learn more about how testing works? Check these out next: