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Request Validation#

Go struct tags are used to annotate inputs/output structs with information that gets turned into JSON Schema for documentation and validation. For example:

type Person struct {
    Name string `json:"name" doc:"Person's name" minLength:"1" maxLength:"80"`
    Age  uint   `json:"age,omitempty" doc:"Person's age" maximum:"120"`

Field Naming#

The standard json tag is supported and can be used to rename a field. Any field tagged with json:"-" will be ignored in the schema, as if it did not exist.

Optional / Required#

Fields being optional/required is determined automatically but can be overridden as needed using the logic below:

  1. Start with all fields required.
  2. If a field has omitempty, it is optional.
  3. If a field has required:"false", it is optional.
  4. If a field has required:"true", it is required.

Pointers have no effect on optional/required. The same rules apply regardless of whether the struct is being used for request input or response output. Some examples:

type MyStruct struct {
    // The following are all required.
    Required1 string  `json:"required1"`
    Required2 *string `json:"required2"`
    Required3 string  `json:"required3,omitempty" required:"true"`

    // The following are all optional.
    Optional1 string  `json:"optional1,omitempty"`
    Optional2 *string `json:"optional2,omitempty"`
    Optional3 string  `json:"optional3" required:"false"`


Why use omitempty for inputs when Go itself only uses the field for marshaling? Imagine a client which is going to send a request to your API - it must still be marshaled into JSON (or a similar format). You can think of your input structs as modeling what an API client would produce as output.


In many languages (including Go), there is little to no distinction between an explicit empty value vs. an undefined one. Marking a field as optional as explained above is enough to support either case. Javascript & Typescript are exceptions to this rule, as they have explicit null and undefined values.

Huma tries to balance schema simplicity, usability, and broad compatibility with schema correctness and a broad range of language support for end-to-end API tooling. To that end, it supports field nullability to a limited extent, and future changes may modify this default behavior as tools become more compatible with advanced JSON Schema features.

Fields being nullable is determined automatically but can be overridden as needed using the logic below:

  1. Start with no fields as nullable
  2. If a field is a pointer (including slices):
    1. To a boolean, integer, number, string: it is nullable unless it has omitempty.
    2. To an array: it is nullable if huma.DefaultArrayNullable is true.
    3. To an object: it is not nullable, due to complexity and bad support for anyOf/oneOf in many tools.
  3. If a field has nullable:"false", it is not nullable
  4. If a field has nullable:"true":
    1. To a boolean, integer, number, string, array: it is nullable
    2. To an object: panic saying this is not currently supported
  5. If a struct has a field _ with nullable: true, the struct is nullable enabling users to opt-in for object without the anyOf/oneOf complication.

Here are some examples:

// Make an entire struct (not its fields) nullable.
type MyStruct1 struct {
    _ struct{} `nullable:"true"`
    Field1 string `json:"field1"`
    Field2 string `json:"field2"`

// Make a specific scalar field nullable. This is *not* supported for
// maps or structs. Structs *must* use the method above.
type MyStruct2 struct {
    Field1 *string `json:"field1"`
    Field2 string `json:"field2" nullable:"true"`

Nullable types will generate a type array like "type": ["string", "null"] which has broad compatibility and is easy to downgrade to OpenAPI 3.0. Also keep in mind you can always provide a custom schema if the built-in features aren't exactly what you need.


Slices in Go marshal into JSON as null if the slice itself is nil rather than allocated but empty. This is why slices are nullable by default. See the Go JSON package documentation for more information.

Validation Tags#

The following additional tags are supported on model fields:

Tag Description Example
doc Describe the field doc:"Who to greet"
format Format hint for the field format:"date-time"
enum A comma-separated list of possible values enum:"one,two,three"
default Default value default:"123"
minimum Minimum (inclusive) minimum:"1"
exclusiveMinimum Minimum (exclusive) exclusiveMinimum:"0"
maximum Maximum (inclusive) maximum:"255"
exclusiveMaximum Maximum (exclusive) exclusiveMaximum:"100"
multipleOf Value must be a multiple of this value multipleOf:"2"
minLength Minimum string length minLength:"1"
maxLength Maximum string length maxLength:"80"
pattern Regular expression pattern pattern:"[a-z]+"
patternDescription Description of the pattern used for errors patternDescription:"alphanum"
minItems Minimum number of array items minItems:"1"
maxItems Maximum number of array items maxItems:"20"
uniqueItems Array items must be unique uniqueItems:"true"
minProperties Minimum number of object properties minProperties:"1"
maxProperties Maximum number of object properties maxProperties:"20"
example Example value example:"123"
readOnly Sent in the response only readOnly:"true"
writeOnly Sent in the request only writeOnly:"true"
deprecated This field is deprecated deprecated:"true"
hidden Hide field/param from documentation hidden:"true"
dependentRequired Required fields when the field is present dependentRequired:"one,two"

Built-in string formats include:

Format Description Example
date-time Date and time in RFC3339 format 2021-12-31T23:59:59Z
date-time-http Date and time in HTTP format Fri, 31 Dec 2021 23:59:59 GMT
date Date in RFC3339 format 2021-12-31
time Time in RFC3339 format 23:59:59
email / idn-email Email address
hostname Hostname
ipv4 IPv4 address
ipv6 IPv6 address ::1
uri / iri URI
uri-reference / iri-reference URI reference /path/to/resource
uri-template URI template /path/{id}
json-pointer JSON Pointer /path/to/field
relative-json-pointer Relative JSON Pointer 0/1
regex Regular expression [a-z]+
uuid UUID 550e8400-e29b-41d4-a716-446655440000

Read and Write Only#

Note that the readOnly and writeOnly validations are not enforced by Huma and the values in those fields are not modified by Huma. They are purely for documentation purposes and allow you to re-use structs for both inputs and outputs.

You will need to take care to ensure read-only fields are not modified. It's up to you whether you wish to ignore the field's value, compare it to an existing value in e.g. a datastore, or take some other action. This is a design choice to enable easier round-trips of data, for example reading a GET response with a read-only created date, modifying a different field, and sending it back to the server via PUT. The server should ignore both the presence and value of the created date, otherwise clients have to make potentially many modifications before data can be sent back to the server.

Write-only fields, if stored in a datastore, can be combined with omitempty and then set to the zero value in handlers, or filtered out via datastore queries or projection. They can also be kept out of the datastore altogether but used to compute values in fields that will get stored.


If a write-only field needs to be required on the request but the same struct is re-used in the response, you can use json:"name,omitempy" with required:"true".

Strict vs. Loose Field Validation#

By default, Huma is strict about which fields are allowed in an object, making use of the additionalProperties: false JSON Schema setting. This means if a client sends a field that is not defined in the schema, the request will be rejected with an error. This can help to prevent typos and other issues and is recommended for most APIs.

If you need to allow additional fields, for example when using a third-party service which will call your system and you only care about a few fields, you can use the additionalProperties:"true" field tag on the struct by assigning it to a dummy _ field.

type PartialInput struct {
	_      struct{} `json:"-" additionalProperties:"true"`
	Field1 string   `json:"field1"`
	Field2 bool     `json:"field2"`


The use of struct{} is optional but efficient. It is used to avoid allocating memory for the dummy field as an empty object requires no space.

Advanced Validation#

When using custom JSON Schemas, i.e. not generated from Go structs, it's possible to utilize a few more validation rules. The following schema fields are respected by the built-in validator:

  • not for negation
  • oneOf for exclusive inputs
  • anyOf for matching one-or-more
  • allOf for schema unions

See huma.Schema for more information. Note that it may be easier to use a custom resolver to implement some of these rules.

Dive Deeper#