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Request Inputs#


Requests can have parameters and/or a body as input to the handler function. Inputs use standard Go structs with special fields and/or tags. Here are the available tags:

Tag Description Example
path Name of the path parameter path:"thing-id"
query Name of the query string parameter query:"q"
header Name of the header parameter header:"Authorization"
cookie Name of the cookie parameter cookie:"session"
required Mark a query/header param as required required:"true"


The required tag is discouraged and is only used for query/header params, which should generally be optional for clients to send.

Parameter Types#

The following parameter types are supported out of the box:

Type Example Inputs
bool true, false
[u]int[16/32/64] 1234, 5, -1
float32/64 1.234, 1.0
string hello, t
time.Time 2020-01-01T12:00:00Z
slice, e.g. []int 1,2,3, tag1,tag2

For example, if the parameter is a query param and the type is []string it might look like ?tags=tag1,tag2 in the URI. Query parameters also support specifying the same parameter multiple times by setting the explode tag, e.g. query:"tags,explode" would parse a query string like ?tags=tag1&tags=tag2 instead of a comma separated list. The comma separated list is faster and recommended for most use cases.

For cookies, the default behavior is to read the cookie value from the request and convert it to one of the types above. If you want to access the entire cookie, you can use http.Cookie as the type instead:

type MyInput struct {
	Session http.Cookie `cookie:"session"`

Then you can access e.g. input.Session.Name or input.Session.Value.

Custom wrapper types#

Request parameters can be parsed into custom wrapper types, by implementing the ParamWrapper interface, which should give access to the wrapper field as a reflect.Value.

Interface ParamReactor may optionally be implemented to define a callback to execute after a request parameter was parsed.

Example usage with a custom wrapper to handle null query parameters:

type OptionalParam[T any] struct {
	Value T
	IsSet bool

// Define schema to use wrapped type
func (o OptionalParam[T]) Schema(r huma.Registry) *huma.Schema {
	return huma.SchemaFromType(r, reflect.TypeOf(o.Value))

// Expose wrapped value to receive parsed value from Huma
// MUST have pointer receiver
func (o *OptionalParam[T]) Receiver() reflect.Value {
	return reflect.ValueOf(o).Elem().Field(0)

// React to request param being parsed to update internal state
// MUST have pointer receiver
func (o *OptionalParam[T]) OnParamSet(isSet bool, parsed any) {
	o.IsSet = isSet

// Define request input with the wrapper type
type MyRequestInput struct {
    MaybeText OptionalParam[string] `query:"text"`

Request Body#

The special struct field Body will be treated as the input request body and can refer to any other type or you can embed a struct or slice inline. If the body is a pointer, then it is optional. All doc & validation tags are allowed on the body in addition to these tags:

Tag Description Example
contentType Override the content type contentType:"application/my-type+json"
required Mark the body as required required:"true"

RawBody []byte can also be used alongside Body to provide access to the []byte used to validate & parse Body.

Special Types#

The following special types are supported out of the box:

Type Schema Example
time.Time {"type": "string", "format": "date-time"} "2020-01-01T12:00:00Z"
url.URL {"type": "string", "format": "uri"} ""
net.IP {"type": "string", "format": "ipv4"} ""
netip.Addr {"type": "string", "format": "ipv4"} ""
json.RawMessage {} ["whatever", "you", "want"]

You can override this default behavior if needed as described in Schema Customization and Request Validation, e.g. setting a custom format tag for IPv6.

Other Body Types#

Sometimes, you want to bypass the normal body parsing and instead read the raw body contents directly. This is useful for unstructured data, file uploads, or other binary data. You can use RawBody []byte without a Body field to access the raw body bytes without any parsing/validation being applied. For example, to accept some text/plain input:

huma.Register(api, huma.Operation{
	OperationID: "post-plain-text",
	Method:      http.MethodPost,
	Path:        "/text",
	Summary:     "Example to post plain text input",
}, func(ctx context.Context, input *struct {
	RawBody []byte `contentType:"text/plain"`
}) (*struct{}, error) {
	fmt.Println("Got input:", input.RawBody)
	return nil, nil

This enables you to also do your own parsing of the input, if needed.

Multipart Form Data#

Multipart form data is supported by using a RawBody with a type of multipart.Form in the input struct. This will parse the request using Go standard library multipart processing implementation.

For example:

huma.Register(api, huma.Operation{
	OperationID: "upload-files",
    Method:      http.MethodPost,
    Path:        "/upload",
    Summary:     "Example to upload a file",
}, func(ctx context.Context, input *struct {
    RawBody multipart.Form
}) (*struct{}, error) {
    // Process multipart form here.
	for name, _ := range input.RawBody.File {
	    fmt.Printf("Obtained file with name '%s'", name)
	for name, val := range input.RawBody.Value {
	    fmt.Printf("Obtained value with name '%s' and value '%s'", name, val)
    return nil, nil

This will be useful for supporting file uploads. Moreover, Huma can process files and values from the multipart form into a struct for you. In this case, you should define what the processed struct should look like:

huma.Register(api, huma.Operation{
	OperationID: "upload-and-decode-files"
	Method:      http.MethodPost,
	Path:        "/upload",
}, func(ctx context.Context, input *struct {
	RawBody huma.MultipartFormFiles[struct {
		MyFile                    huma.FormFile   `form:"file" contentType:"text/plain" required:"true"`
		SomeOtherFiles            []huma.FormFile `form:"other-files" contentType:"text/plain" required:"true"`
		NoTagBindingFile          huma.FormFile   `contentType:"text/plain"`
		MyGreeting                string          `form:"greeting", minLength:"6"`
		SomeNumbers               []int           `form:"numbers"`
		NonTaggedValuesAreIgnored string  // ignored
}) (*struct{}, error) {
	// The raw multipart.Form body is again available under input.RawBody.Form.
	// E.g. input.RawBody.Form.File("file")
	// E.g. input.RawBody.Form.Value("greeting")

	// The processed input struct is available under input.RawBody.Data().
	formData := input.RawBody.Data()

	// Non-files are available and validated if they have a "form" tag
	fmt.Println("These are your numbers:")
	for _, n := range formData.SomeNumbers {

	// Non-files without "form" tag are not available
	if formData.NonTaggedValuesAreIgnored != nil {
		panic("This should not happen")

	// Process files here.
	b, err := io.ReadAll(formData.MyFile)

	for _, f := range formData.SomeOtherFiles {
		b, err := io.ReadAll(f)

	// Flag for checking optional file existence.
	if formData.NoTagBindingFile.IsSet {
		fmt.Println("The form contained a file entry with name 'NoTagBinding'!")
	return nil, nil

The files are decoded according to the specified contentType. If no contentType is provided, it defaults to application/octet-stream.

Request Example#

Here is an example request input struct, which has a path param, query param, header param, and a structured body alongside the raw body bytes:

type MyInput struct {
	ID      string `path:"id"`
	Detail  bool   `query:"detail" doc:"Show full details"`
	Auth    string `header:"Authorization"`
	Body    MyBody
	RawBody []byte

A request to such an endpoint might look like:

# Via high-level operations:
$ restish api my-op 123 --detail=true --authorization=foo <body.json

# Via URL:
$ restish api/my-op/123?detail=true -H "Authorization: foo" <body.json


You can use RawBody []byte without a corresponding Body field in order to support small file uploads.

Input Composition#

Because inputs are just Go structs, they are composable and reusable. For example:

type AuthParam struct {
	Authorization string `header:"Authorization"`

type PaginationParams struct {
	Cursor string `query:"cursor"`
	Limit  int    `query:"limit"`

// ... Later in the code
huma.Register(api, huma.Operation{
	OperationID: "list-things",
	Method:      http.MethodGet,
	Path:        "/things",
	Summary:     "Get a filtered list of things",
}, func(ctx context.Context, input *struct {
	// Embed both structs to compose your input.
}) (*struct{}, error) {
	fmt.Printf("Auth: %s, Cursor: %s, Limit: %d\n", input.Authorization, input.Cursor, input.Limit)
	return nil, nil

Dive Deeper#