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Response Outputs#

Responses can have an optional status code, headers, and/or body. Like inputs, they use standard Go structs which describe the entirety of the response.

Status Code#

Huma uses the following default response status codes:

  • 200 for responses with bodies
  • 204 for responses without a body

You can override this behavior in two ways. The first is by setting huma.Operation DefaultStatus field at operation registration time.

// Register an operation with a default status code of 201.
huma.Register(api, huma.Operation{
	OperationID:  "create-thing",
	Method:       http.MethodPost,
	Path:         "/things",
	Summary:      "Create a thing",
	DefaultStatus: 201,
}, func(ctx context.Context, input ThingRequest) (*struct{}, error) {
	// Do nothing...
	return nil, nil

If the response code needs to be dynamic, you can use the special Status field in your response struct. This is not recommended, but is available if needed.

type ThingResponse struct {
	Status int

huma.Register(api, huma.Operation{
	OperationID:  "get-thing",
	Method:       http.MethodGet,
	Path:         "/things/{thing-id}",
	Summary:      "Get a thing by ID",
}, func(ctx context.Context, input ThingRequest) (*struct{}, error) {
	// Create a response and set the dynamic status
	resp := &ThingResponse{}
	if input.ID < 500 {
		resp.Status = 200
	} else {
		// This is a made-up status code used for newer things.
		resp.Status = 250
	return resp, nil

Dynamic Status

It is much more common to set the default status code than to need a Status field in your response struct!


Headers are set by fields on the response struct. Here are the available tags:

Tag Description Example
header Name of the response header header:"Authorization"
timeFormat Format of a time.Time timeFormat:"Mon, 02 Jan 2006 15:04:05 GMT"

Here's an example of a response with several headers of different types:

// Example struct with several headers
type MyOutput struct {
	ContentType  string    `header:"Content-Type"`
	LastModified time.Time `header:"Last-Modified"`
	MyHeader     int       `header:"My-Header"`

If the field type implements the fmt.Stringer interface then that will be used to convert the value to a string.

Set vs. Append#

By default, headers are set on the response, which overwrites any existing header of the same name. If you want to append to an existing header, you can use an array of values instead of a single value.

type MyOutput struct {
	MyHeader []string `header:"My-Header"`

If you want to append just one header, you can use a slice with a single value.


You can set cookies in the response by using the Set-Cookie header. The http.Cookie type can be used to represent the cookie without needing to manually convert it to a string.

type MyOutput struct {
	SetCookie http.Cookie `header:"Set-Cookie"`

huma.Register(api, huma.Operation{
	OperationID: "set-cookie",
	Method:      http.MethodGet,
	Path:        "/set-cookie",
	Summary:     "Set a cookie",
}, func(ctx context.Context, *struct{}) (*MyOutput, error) {
	// Create a response and set the cookie
	resp := &MyOutput{
		SetCookie: http.Cookie{
			Name:  "session",
			Value: "123",
	return resp, nil

You can set multiple cookies by using a slice like []http.Cookie instead.


The special struct field Body will be treated as the response body and can refer to any other type or you can embed a struct or slice inline. A default Content-Type header will be set if none is present, selected via client-driven content negotiation with the server based on the registered serialization types.


type MyBody struct {
	Name string `json:"name"`

type MyOutput struct {
	Body MyBody

Use a type of []byte to bypass serialization.

type MyOutput struct {
	Body []byte

You can also stream the response body, see streaming for more details.

Dive Deeper#